We spend way too much time trying to control what other people think of us. Worried that they might not like what we are wearing, eating, or doing. The truth is, their opinion is nothing to do with us and we should not spend time worrying about. In fact, it’s none of our business. We have absolutely no control over it so why waste our time. We do however, have complete control over our thoughts about their opinion. We get to decide on those thoughts. No matter how much we pretend to be something we’re not, they are going to think what they want to think. In fact, they may tell you their thoughts but do you really know? When we try to control what other people think of us by acting a particular way around them or dressing a certain way, we don’t show up for ourselves. We show up as someone that is not truly us and it can lead us to feel deflated.
What if we decide today to be “US” no matter what. What would happen? You know, embrace all of ourselves-even the messy. Being okay with being you and okay if they don’t like you. Be a peach even if you know they like oranges. It’s not your problem if they don’t like peaches. If you love to wear bright red lipstick-wear bright red lip stick. I know, sometimes we let our brain try to tell us things like “they don’t wear lipstick and won’t like” or “they might think I am this or that”. Wear the darn red lipstick. It will begin to feel good. I used to be in a situation years ago, where I was trying to please others by dressing or acting like “I THOUGHT” they expected of me. I would even order off a menu when at dinner thinking of what they expected me to eat. Then, it clicked. I remember driving home one day after listening to a podcast and said “I am done”. I am going to be me. I am not going to lie-it took some practice and some courage but it felt so much better.
When we show up as ourselves-even when we know don’t like peaches, they weren’t your peeps anyway. Again, not your problem so why waste time. Remember you don’t get to decide if someone likes you or what thoughts they have about you. If you are in a position and you are having thoughts that someone doesn’t like you or you THINK they are having negative thoughts, give them permission to have those thoughts. Just quietly think to yourself-they don’t like peaches. Having this thought was a game changer for me. The reason we worry about someone not liking us is what we think it means-that we are not likable and that is just not true. It’s not personal-they simple like crunchy apples!
When we get comfortable with not worrying about what others think about us or how they feel about us, and focus on being ourselves, it is life changing.

Again, why try to be an apple if you are a peach. Be great at being a juicy peach.
Have a beautiful day….