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Mindful Consumption: Protecting Your Peace

In today's world, information is at our fingertips 24/7. We are constantly bombarded with news, social media updates, and interactions that shape our thoughts, emotions, and overall well-being. While staying informed is important, it’s equally crucial to be mindful of what we consume—both in terms of information and the people we surround ourselves with.

I noticed the other day that I changed my mood simply by reading watching some news of the television at my sister’s house. I usually don’t have the TV on in daytime and found myself consumed with the problems in the world. Now, I am not saying I want to bury my head in the ground but I want to keep in all in check and to a minimum.

The Impact of Information Overload: Reading about politics and other contentious topics can often feel overwhelming and upsetting. It's easy to get caught in a cycle of negativity, where the constant stream of bad news starts to affect our mental health. The media thrives on sensationalism, and consuming too much of this can lead to anxiety, stress, and a sense of hopelessness. We have to remember that this is how they hook us by sensationalizing the stories.

Curating Your News Intake: To protect your peace of mind, it's essential to curate your news intake. Here are some tips:

Limit Exposure: Allocate specific times of the day to catch up on news rather than constantly checking updates. I am now trying to only check my phone while waiting. Yes, waiting in line, waiting at an office, waiting for someone to get on a call.

Don’t Use Information Against You : In other words, don't compare what you see or read. No one takes a picture of the leftovers they warmed up in the microwave. No one takes a picture after they worked in the garden for two hours and no one takes a picture of the Saturday night at Walmart picking up groceries. There is nothing wrong with any of these things but it is easy to think everyone else is cooking gourmet meals all the time and having a party on the weekends each week. Remember to use common sense when looking at pictures on FaceBook! Avoid doomscrolling; resist the urge to scroll through negative news feeds endlessly. This can leave you feeling terrible.

Choose Reliable Sources: Opt for balanced, fact-based news sources that provide thorough analysis without sensationalism. This is hard with our news outlets today. I am trying not to stick to one source.

The People in Your Life: Just as the media we consume impacts our mental health, so do the people we interact with. Surrounding yourself with individuals who uplift and inspire you is vital for a healthy mindset. Conversely, spending time with people who bring out the worst in you can drain your energy and hinder your personal growth. You know who they are in your life. Spend more time with those who leave you feeling good.

With the world at our fingers with technology, it is easy to go down some rabbit holes with consuming all kinds of things. Just remember how to keep in all in check so it doesn’t keep your from the things you love.

Smile and enjoy the simple ordinary things in life!

Have a beautiful day.

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