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Life is full of “hard” choices. Which hard are you choosing?

I read this article on “X” and I have been pondering over the meaning and realizing that we all have this crossroad where we chose one direction instead of the other.

Here is the saying:

Marriage is hard. Divorce is hard. Choose your hard.

Being in debt is hard. Being financially disciplined is hard. Choose your hard.

Communication is hard. No communicating is hard. Choose your hard.

Obesity is hard. Being fit is hard. Choose your hard.

Life will never be easy. It will always have things that are hard. But when you do pick your hard, pick wisely.

When things are going well, we don’t even think about any of these issues. It is almost like a scale in balance. Marriage is good, finances are fine, or maybe we gain a few pounds then lose. This is when nothing gets out of wack in these areas so all is good. However, there are other places that life can have hard choices. For instance, if you tend to never think about your weight but you make terrible eating choices, these choices could catch up to you. Or, maybe you never save money and no problem until you need to retire. Today, I am talking more of choices that we keep making because our scale is off balanced.

Our brain is wired to choose the most comfortable, the choice with less effort. The choice that is easiest. It is also wired to find evidence that the choice is correct. For instance, most marriage can have rough spots. It takes work. If we chose to focus on the negative of the other, our brain will keep pointing out all the negative. It will somehow overlook most good unless right in our face. We will eventually probably choose to divorce since it is just as easy to get divorced as it is to get married. Now, I am not saying it is not hard getting a divorce but it takes hard work either way-to leave or to stay. Think about the scale that is in balanced. If the scale is tipped more to the divorce, it will be an easier choice. Obesity can be explained the same way. If a scale is off by being extremely overweight then the choice would be much easier to keep making the easier choice- which may be not changing our eating habits (which would be hard).

Being in debt is another I work with that seem to get off balanced. Some keep making the easier choices to avoid the hard of saving.

How do we chose the other hard? First, is to acknowledge it and commit to doing hard. Then, make a plan. A good place to start is looking at your daily habits on the issue that is off balanced and add to the other side. Think of it as adding more weight to the scale to get it to tip more to the middle. Small changes daily add up quickly. Small changes are also easier to convince our brain of doing hard.

Let's check or "hard choices" and see where we can balance our scale!

Have a beautiful day💕

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