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Have you been told to stop doing something and you simply quit listening? Does it mean all or nothing?

When your told to quit or give up something, it makes our brain automatically want to shut off. Mine did! I have a prolapsed bladder which worsen with a ovarian cysts the size of a small melon. Needless to say, it caused havoc on the bladder. After I had the cyst removed, my doctor wanted me to do therapy to help with the prolapse. I tried but once therapist suggested I cut out coffee and hot tea, my brain with south. I am embarrassed to admit that I have never been back.

This week, I noticed that my situation has not worsened but not getting better. I am not running as much as I used to. I thought back at the suggestion of giving up coffee and tea and it still has this terrible feeling attached to it. Does it have to be all or nothing? Here is our human brain making such a big deal out of something that does not necessarily have to be 100% perfect. I am not sure why we do this. This is why most diets don't work. We feel we have to be perfect or we fail. It does not have to be all or nothing.

So, this week, I am beginning a small cut back. No coffee or hot tea after 11 am. I am going to start there. I tend to have either or both in the afternoon. I am going for a cutback instead and then will analyze my results. If we treat it like an experiment our brain is more receptive. I have made it two days and still want that afternoon tea! I had to laugh when I started the teakettle and said "no no no" just like we would a toddler!

I do have a toddler brain. When she heard the words "cut out the coffee" she quit listening. She is a mess!

Have a beautiful day!


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